Enliven Your Parties With Fun! I Love Drawing Caricatures and I would Love to Attend Your Event!
One person takes about 4 minutes, and couples take about 7 minutes
All caricatures are drawn with black marker on high quality 11 x 17 paper, and are in COLOR!
I can draw about 13-16 people per hour,
and I have extra artists for any event!
Live caricature art for events in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Available for parties, weddings, corporate events, and special occasions in NYC, Long Island, Staten Island, Philadelphia, and beyond!
An Experienced Artist At Your Service
I have 33 years of professional experience, drawing caricatures for Weddings, Birthdays, Bar Mitzvahs and Corporate Events in New Jersey, New York, and Philadelphia.
I provide HIGH-SPEED, COLOR caricatures in FIVE minutes!
I am highly rated, top caricaturist for your event, and I am a 10 year GOLD MEMBER in
The International Society of Caricaturists Association

Expertly Sketched Amazing Caricatures
There are always more parties than artists.
Book now for your next event!

Get Connected
Contact me for more information about your event. I look forward to helping you make your next party a vibrant and memorable occasion for yourself and your guests.